緬甸宣教工場 - Myanmar Mission 2018緬甸仰光宣教工場報導 2014年緬甸宣教工場報導 2013年緬甸宣教工場報導 1997-2009緬甸宣教工場報導 2013年緬北事工簡介 更新緬北工場戶理福音中心。CRM’s Hu-Li Gospel Center in NE Myanmar. 更新戶理克欽族教會及學生中心。CRM’s Hu-Li Ka-Cheng Tribal Church and Student Center. 更新臘戍地區邦伍聖民學校2004年3月6日校舍落成典禮。The dedication service of the school building of Lashio’s Sheng Min School at Bong-Wu on March 6, 2004. 更新緬北邦伍佈道所。Service at CRM’s Bong Wu Gospel Center in Northern Myanmar. 北美李定武牧師與緬甸工場央正義傳道為邦伍佈道所新信主的行施洗禮。Rev. Ting Lee (right) of US CRM and Z.I. Yang, Myanmar field director (left) baptistizze new converts at Bong-Wu Outreach Center at Lashio. 新加坡分會總幹事余達富在緬北訓練苗族同工們門徒訓練。Pastor Tat-Foo Yee of Singapore Branch Office engages discipleship training among CRM’s Miao coworkers at Lashio. 更新緬北石門砍教會獻堂禮。Dedication service of CRM’s She-Man-Kan church in NE Myanmar. 更新緬北石門坎培青學校週會。Morning service at CRM’s Pai-Chin School at She-Man-Kau in NE Myanmar. 央正義傳道與戶理更新學校的兒童們在盛開的罌粟花前。Pastor Z.I. Yang (the tallest behind the kids on your right) and the children of Hu-Li CRM School stand behind the blossoming poppy plants. 緬甸央正義傳道用「福音橋」向中緬邊境長青山區少數民族傳福音。Pastor Zhang-I Yang of Myanmar using “Bridge-to-Life” to share Gospel with the tribal people in the Chong-Ching Mountain area.