更新传道会Christian Renewal Ministries



魏爱梅宣教士是更新传道会的宣道事工部主任。她从小有机会听到福音信主,后来蒙召奉献,1991 年圣光神学院毕业开始全时间服事。 1996 至2010期间任屏东基督教医院院牧主任, 任内在缅北佤邦安邦医院作院牧六年。 2011转任中华海外宣道协会工场主任,培训泰国当地同工,协助缅甸巡回医疗队事工,督导在中国的提摩太班学生,及闗怀牧养海宣的宣教士。

2017 年一月爱梅加入更新团队,以清迈为宣教基地,开展各项宣道事工, 包括:在泰国,缅甸,中国培训丰盛生命; 培训城市及山区的泰国同工; 督导清迈学生中心并辅导学生升学; 关怀培训中国西北同工开展穆宣工作; 开办各式福音营会;拓展圣经陪读及释经讲座; 在泰国山区安排医疗短宣。

Iris Wei

Iris Wei is the head of the Mission Department at CRM. She became a believer at young age and was called to serve the Lord later. Upon graduation from Holy Light Seminary in Kaohsiung in 1991, she started her ministry as a Chaplain of Pingtung Christian Hospital . This lasted 15 years, including six years in the military field hospital of Wah Tribe in Northern Myanmar and eight years as the head of the chaplain office of PTCH. She joined Christian Missions Overseas in 2011 as the mission director.

In January 2017 Iris joined CRM and stationed in Chiangmai, Thailand. Her activities and priorities include: promoting and training teachers to use Abundant Life course in China, Thailand and Myanmar; equipping Christian leaders in urban and mountain regions; supervising the operation of Chiangmai Grace Student Center; caring and guiding coworkers in the northern western region of China that involves Muslim seekers. She also plans to extend Bible seminars for CRM in Taiwan and Thailand and
continue to arrange medical short term mission in mountain regions.